Become a Volunteer

The Golden Family Center welcomes and appreciates any financial donations.

The Golden Family Center welcomes and appreciates any financial donations. Donations help us extend our programs and services in areas that government funding does not cover. Donations can be earmarked for a particular program if you wish.

We are a registered charitable organization and issue official income tax receipts for donations of $10 or more.

  • Charity Registration Number: 12190 3793 RR0001
  • Society Incorporation Number: S-0028150

If you would like to donate online, click on the button below:

You can also make a donation in person or by mail.

To make a donation in person: 

We are located at 421 – 9th Avenue North in downtown Golden on the second floor above the Golden Youth Center. Elevator service is available.

To make a donation by mail, our mailing address is:

Golden Family Center
PO Box 415
BC, V0A 1H0

Thank you for your support!

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