Golden’s Story of Drug Use – Building Compassion

Golden's Story of Drug Use - Building Compassion

Katie Hodder
February 27th, 2018 1 Minute

EK Compassion Project Poster GOLDENThe Compassion Project is an art show created for the purpose of sparking curiosity about values, beliefs and assumptions surrounding drug use in your community. [quote]The ultimate goal is to build compassion through increased awareness and understanding [/quote]

Community members who volunteered to participate in the project were asked, “How do you want to be understood?” and “What is it like to be you?” The collection of stories, information and photos will come together to create an art exhibit that will be displayed in communities throughout the East Kootenay beginning in March of 2018.

The Compassion Project will be in Golden on Thursday, March 8th. Come see it at the Civic Centre from 6-9 pm – free admission

The evening will be led by Warren Hooley, an aboriginal facilitator and practicing artist, who is a member of the IndigenEYEZ leadership team. Warren will guide everyone through a series of activities with the intention of experiencing a felt sense of connection.

**Transportation assistance is available. Call 250-919-7673 for more information

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