Columbia Basin Trust supports technology at the Golden Family Center

Columbia Basin Trust supports technology at the Golden Family Center

Katie Hodder
January 6th, 2017 1 Minutes

phone-system-2016 nas-2016The Golden Family Center Society would like to thank the Columbia Basin Trust for their financial support through the Community Funds program, which allowed us to update our phone system and computer network back-up. Our previous phone system was over 20 years old, and our previous network back-up was out of date and out of capacity.

Our office answers many calls each day, and the new phone system with up-to-date features allows us to deal with calls more efficiently and saves us time. The new system also allows clients to leave private voice-mail messages in their own counsellor’s confidential mailbox, rather than needing to leave a message with a person. With the new system we can connect clients directly with a staff member’s cell phone when they are working off-site (when you are being transferred to a person or to voicemail, you may notice that there is a very brief delay, but just stay on the line and you will be connected).

Most of the funding for services at the Golden Family Center comes from the provincial government, but current funding does not cover all our operational costs. Additional funding through programs like the CBT’s Community Funds helps us remain viable as an organization, so we can continue to provide counselling and support services to residents of Golden and Area A.


Categories: Community Support
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