Bryan Englehart Memorial Poker Ride Donation – Thank you!

Bryan Englehart Memorial Poker Ride Donation - Thank you!

Katie Hodder
October 3rd, 2016 1 Minutes


Article courtesy of Justin Telfer:

The Golden Family Center would like to send out a huge thank you to all the riders and supporters of the annual Bryan Englehart Memorial Golden Triangle motorcycle run.  Thank you so much for your donations and most importantly for your kind words of support in the work that we do. Thank you to Andrew Englehart for your ongoing commitment to this event and the amazing way in which you support so many people in this community.  I think your dad would be so proud. Thank you also for raising the awareness of what we do at the Golden Family Center.  Your personal story of how this service has helped you will surely help others to reach out.

Breaking down the stigma and shame that exist around asking for help takes a village.  It also takes a lot of courage to share your story and connect with support services. I’d like to honour all those who share and seek out the help that they need.  We have such an amazing network of supports in our community of which the Golden Family Center is only one small piece and we are often envied by other small communities. I’m reminded of this every time I travel.

Thank you once again and a reminder that if you need help, the Golden Family Center provides affordable, confidential counselling and support services to individuals and families. We are committed to the enhancement of the well-being of individuals, families and the community of Golden by providing education, advocacy, resources, counselling, early intervention and support services. Visit our website if you would like more information

Categories: Community Support

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