You are invited – Prayer Flag making workshops

You are invited - Prayer Flag making workshops

Katie Hodder
August 30th, 2016 1 Minute

14100482_888264604611571_7767388827412605289_nWomen and girls are invited to come together and create prayer flags in honour of Take Back the Night.

Take Back the Night raises awareness of violence against women. The collection of prayer flags will be hung along the river path – the route that the Take Back the Night walking procession will take.

Materials will be provided and no art experience is needed.

Where: Golden Women’s Resource Centre (next to Brent’s Board Shop)

When: Wednesday, September 7 – from noon till 2 pm or Wednesday, September 14 – from noon till 2 pm.

Call Heather or Gabe if you have any questions: 250-344-2000

Categories: General
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