Manology – Observing and Validating – April 24

Manology - Observing and Validating - April 24

Patrick O'Neill
April 24th, 2014 1 Minute

When we learn to communicate by validating thoughts, sensations, feelings and even beliefs we are really telling ourselves and others that what we are experiencing is real, logical and understandable.

Said another way validation is when you quietly reassure yourself and others that what you think, sense, feel and believe inside is real, is important, and makes sense.

Validation does not mean that you agree or approve of behavior.  Validation is non-judgemental.

Tonight we will work with an activity that helps us to communicate through validation by:

  1. Focusing – on the inherent worth of ourselves and others.
  2. Observing – by listening carefully to what is said with words, expression and sensation in the moment.
  3. Describing – the facts of the moment or the event in a non-judgemental way.
  4. State the unstated – make note of the thoughts, sensations, behaviours and feelings that have not been described.
  5. Find what is true and valid about the experience without thinking that you have to agree or approve of the experience, try to find a piece of it that makes perfect sense, and validate that.

See you tonight – GFC Group Room – 6-7:30.

Categories: Boys To Men
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